The Top 75 Most Inspirational Songs Of All Time


54. Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Monty Python

Could there be something more inspiring than a song thatreminds you of how important it is to think positive? Obviously, the song is a little ironic but its message is nonetheless valuable. It encourages you to be grateful about the positive aspects of your life instead of allowing the negative ones to drag you down. Even more so, it’s about the ability to see things in a much brighter light so that the difficulties and challenges you’re confronted with do not discourage you too quickly.


53. Skyscraper by Demi Lovato

“Skyscraper” is a gorgeous ballad packed with inspiring vocals and heavy percussions. Somehow I can’t help feeling that this wonderful song is an homage to mental toughness and the ability to see things through.


52. On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons

Listen to this magnificently inspiring song when you’re going through a tough time! The song is all about taking too many aspects of your life for granted and not seeing the true beauty that can be found within these things. Similarly, the song encourages you not to look for the shortcuts in life but to give everything you can to realize your dreams.


51. Tubthumping by Chumbawumba

The title of the song is totally nonsensical. The word does not even occur in the song. But the song itself is outstanding. It conveys the inspiring message of how important it is to always get back up on your feet when life knocks you down.


50. Roar by a Katy Perry

This inspiring song by Katy Perry will definitely make you feel like a champion.


49. I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor

“I Will Survive” is all about empowerment and became an important part of pop culture. Often labeled as a diva anthem, the song celebrates independence, strength, and resilience. The songs message is right in your face: no matter what happens, keep fighting and you will emerge victorious from it.


48. Happy by Pharrell Williams

One entire summer long, you couldn’t escape this feel-good and cheerful hit by Pharrell Williams. It was played on almost every radio station, making it quite difficult not to hear it at least once or twice a day. And rightfully so because “Happy” is simply a fantastic song with exuberant vocals that make you smile.


47. I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty

This inspiring song is all about standing your ground. It’s an anthem for being resilient and not giving up even when all the odds are against you. “I Won’t BackDown” literally screams at you not to give up and to keep fighting for your dreams. Listen to this song when you’re struggling greatly in life and when you’re confronted with massive opposition.


46. Diamonds by Rihanna

“Diamonds” turns out to be quite an introspective but nonetheless inspiring song. It’s definitely not a song for the dance floors, as its pace is much lower. Still, Rhianna’s song is quite remarkable and inspiring. It’s about discovering your inner beauty and letting it shine in the sky like a diamond.


45. Earth Song by Michael Jackson

As the name implies, this song is all about saving the planet. Michael Jackson spreads with his “Earth Song” a truly remarkable message about non-violence and protecting nature.


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About Author

Steve is the founder of Planet of Success, the #1 choice when it comes to motivation, self-growth and empowerment. This world does not need followers. What it needs is people who stand in their own sovereignty. Join us in the quest to live life to the fullest!


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    am Founder & president AllenHarriet Organization-AHO.
    looking for positive music to share.
    cqn planet of success be a part of AHO

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